Blogging is great.
Bla-bla-bla, type faster than think & loose your train faster yet.
As a result, I paid myself a pretty compliment, yes, but totally disregarded the title of the post.
So please accept my apologeezzzzzz (geez, how do you spell that? seriously, i am so tired i can't think straight!) & here we go again:
I knew I'd love Rome, but it's funny how many people exaggerate things. So when I was looking at the Foro Romano from the Terrace on the Campidoglio one woman next to me, also a visitor, said romantically: "Don't you feel like you've already lived here, like, I mean, in another life?" to which I replied: "No, I only wish I could live here in this life, that's all!"
Which, of course, I did. 5 years later. 5 year plans have always worked for me. Communist Party style: USSR, Brazil, etc.
This explains reincarnation. As to the being related to everyone part: one of my favorite Profs & favorite subjects was Demography (ha ha ha, he actually told us the life expectancy for our age group if we kept on living there... very low... this might be one of my last birthdays then... Mom please don't cry!)
Anyway, he also told us that if we count some generations back (many, yes, but still) we'll find out that we are all relatives.
Hmmmm. I am not sure about that. "God free me from the relatives and from my friends I will liberate myself alone" (was it Napoleon? )
At any rate, that reminds me that maybe next year I want an excellent quality DNA test done.
Those who know me know that I am serious.
About that only.
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