If you've tried numerous diets - Atkins, South Beach, etc., bet you've never heard of a new ''craze'' (very appropriate word in this context!): how about keeping your appetite at its lowest by eating from what used to be a morgue guerney table?
Yeap, that's right: in my vintage hunt last week at the Chicago Edgewater Antique Market I saw & fell in love with the table that had this rusty forceful look. Huge table on wheels. When I got closer, I fell in love with it (my black humor side, that is): it is a morgue table.
I betcha I wouldn't be influenced by that & would have to loose weight by more traditional methods...
As for the above trunk, it will be my coffee table. The trick here is that the coffee table books will actually go inside. Reversed logic will rule in my house! (and that's the only predictable thing so far!)
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